What Should I Do If I’m A Victim Of Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a massive issue that affects thousands of Australians every single year. As a victim of domestic violence, it can be hard to know what to do to move on with your life, especially if you have children with or are married to the person who has abused you.

Once you’ve dealt with the criminal side of things, it’s a good idea to speak with someone at a family lawyers firm to sort out things like child disputes and, if you’re married, a divorce. They will be able to help you put your affairs in order so that you can move on with your life quickly with minimum fuss.

Start by distancing yourself from your abuser

One of the biggest mistakes that people make as victims of domestic violence is that they remain in a relationship with, or at least in close contact with their abuser. This is a terrible idea, because it usually leads to ongoing abuse, and can reduce your confidence and compound what’s already a bad situation.

Ultimately, you should distance yourself from your abuser as soon as you possibly can.

  • If you were living with them, then you should move out and get your own place. If you can’t afford to get your own place immediately, then try and stay with a friend or a family member for a while.
  • Try and cut financial ties with them. If you were a stay at home parent relying on them to supply for the family, this can be difficult. But, it’s still worth doing.
  • Above all, don’t remain in a physical relationship with them.


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